Whenever comes to travelling, we will always find ways to get the best deal. Travelling has become at least a yearly activity for most people and travellers are getting savvier on searching the best travel tips. There are quite a number of travel tips on social media sharing on affordable trip without burning a hole in the pocket.
As for me, I love <a href=”http://travelling“>travelling and one of the travel tips that I want to share on how coupon deals can actually get you a good deals sometimes. And of course competitions are everywhere and so many coupons site like CupoNation , Shopback, Collectoffers, and even hotel and tickets aggregators themselves are offering travel related offers.”
So, let’s dive in to see how you can effectively use coupons to save on travelling.
Speaking of coupons website, there are all free online sites to explore. Coupons sites such as CupoNation, ShopBack work via an affiliate system where they will get a certain percentage from their partners. In fact, if you compare the website and the original website, there is a price difference. The more you use the coupon sites; the sites are able to get better deals with their affiliate partners on behalf of users. And most importantly, we do not need to pay a single cent.
Some coupon sites offer cashback and greater savings when you book through their site. For example, CupoNation offers customers for Expedia, Agoda, AirAsia and even Airbnb an extra savings by using the coupon codes on their websites. As much as we love to save on flights and accommodation, the established travel and accommodation websites are all available at one platform that gave an additional percentage of saving. It’s like you save more on top of the savings from the respective website.
Oh well, one of the marketing strategies is launching exclusive offers. Sometimes it can turn out to be a good deal after all. Coupon sites usually will launch exclusive offers for certain affiliate partners over a certain period of time. So, be sure to sign up the subscription to be alert on such deals.
If you are a frequent traveller then you know that flight tickets are usually more expensive on Friday and weekends. Thus, if you want to save money on travelling, you need to be flexible on the dates and timing. The more flexible you are about the destinations and dates, the more money you can save. If you realise even though you purchase the cost-saving travel deals from the coupons sites, there are certain restrictions such as blackout dates and expiry date stated. That’s why being flexible can gives you more money to save.
Sometimes two or more is better than one. Some coupons are meant for bulk purchases to enjoy greater savings. If you ever notice, some sites give special discounts if you invite your friends to sign up. They also have coupon deals to purchase in bulk for a better bargain deals. So, why not share the happiness with friends and both of you will enjoy the better discounts or free items? It’s a win-win situation.
Having said these, it is always best to do your own research before you making any purchase. It is true many websites are in the market and tougher decisions are needed. After all, it’s individual travelling style and preferences. Some might find enjoy luxury travels or backpacking travelling. One thing that I need to share is that do avoid impulse buys. Although the deals are tempting but you have no intention to use it, it is better not purchase no matter how great the deal is.