[BEAUTY REVIEW] My Ultra V Hiko Nose Thread Lift Experience with Clifford Aesthetic
I finally did my first nose thread lift procedure at The Clifford Clinic in Singapore recently. I was still contemplating as I have come across stories about nose thread lift gone wrong. There are case studies where nose threads were poking out from the nose bridge or people experiencing slanted nose after the procedure. I do not wish for either of this to happen to me. But for a better version of me, I did my due diligence to read up the procedure before deciding to go for it.
What is Ultra V HIKO Nose Thread Lift?
Ultra V Hiko Nose Threadlift is a non-surgical nose lift with almost no down time. You can obtain a higher and more defined nose and nose top without having to undergo any form of rhinoplasty.
Usually, PCL or PDO threads are used. The threads are inserted into the nose to physically increase the height of your nose while stimulating collagen production at the same time.
What is the difference between Nose Fillers and Nose Thread Lift?
It is always important to do your dual diligence to check on the treatments you want to do. Like for myself, I decided to go with Nose Thread Lift is because there is no risk of blindness. Unlike nose fillers, nose threads do not migrate or expand the width of the nose. Nose fillers has a small risk of blindness and skin necrosis. However, with that said, if you perform these procedures under the hands of experienced doctors, all these should not happen to you.
The Procedure
Nose Thread Lift is a minimally invasive procedure where numbing cream was applied, and local anesthesia was administered. I entrusted the doctors at The Clifford Clinic to work on my nose shape once the local anesthesia takes effect. As for the pain level, it is almost painless. I just felt as though something was going into my nose which is not a familiar. I still feel relatively comfortable throughout the procedure and with the doctors and nurses at The Clifford Clinic making small talk with me to ease my anxiety. The entire procedure took less than 20 minutes.
The downtime varies from person to person. It is all depends on how many threads were inserted in your nose lift. For myself, I can see the result instantly and it took less than a week for my nose to look more composed. I read some experienced slight swelling and tightness around the bridge after the procedure. Despite that, I can continue with my daily routine, and it does not affect anything at all.
What to take note for aftercare routine?
Like most cosmetic surgeries, the below activities were advised to be avoided:
• Complete the medication as prescriptions by doctor
• Avoid makeup around or at the entry point for 1-2 days
• Avoid dirty and muddy sports to prevent infection at the entry point.
Before/After Photos of Nose Thread Lift
Here are the before and after photos after the nose lift procedure. You can see the obvious differences where my nose looks significantly higher, slimmer, and more defined. I really like my present nose especially the curve and height. I used to have flat nose and the procedure enhanced the shape of my nose. What I also like is that my side profile looks better on the appearance of my subtle nose.

Taken one(1) month after the procedure

Taken two(2) months after the procedure
I have been seeing the doctors at The Clifford Clinic for various skin concerns. Dr Gerard Ee helped me removed my pigmentation while Dr Timothy Shim did my double eyelids for me!
If you are keen, you can make appointment with The Clifford Clinic at 6532 2400 to find out more.
Address: The Clifford Clinic
50 Raffles Place
#01-01 Singapore Land Tower
Singapore 048623
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday: 10:00AM to 8:00PM
Saturday: 10:00AM to 5:00PM
(Closed on Sundays & Public Holidays)
Website: https://cliffordaesthetics.com/