[SG BEAUTY] My Eyelash Extension Experience with Leekaja Beauty Salon
Thanks to Leekaja (LKJ) Beauty Salon, I finally got my first ever eyelash extension. I always tempting to give it a try but have been procrastinating for very long time until Leekaja Beauty Salon approached me recently. Leekaja Beauty Salon located at Orchard Mandarin Gallery is a one-stop beauty parlour that offers services including hair services, manicure and pedicure, eyebrow embroidery and eyelash extension.
About Leekaja Hair Salon
Leekaja Hair Salon was established by Madame Leekaja back in 1972 in South Korea and was the first franchised hair dressing brand. Since then, LKJ Hair Salon has been the most stylish and prestigious hair salon brand in Korea and have branched out overseas with 130 shops in Korea, 15 in USA, 33 in China and most recently launched the first LKJ hair salon in Australia.
The beauty salon started off as hair dressing brand and slowly expanded their beauty services in other area. The eyelash extension is one of the latest additions in their beauty services.
My Experience:
Upon arrival, I was seated at the waiting area with comfortable sofa settings and a menu drink on the table. They have the menu listed with coffee, tea, and freshly squeezed juices for customers before starting any beauty services in LKJ Beauty Salon, This is indeed good services as compared with other beauty salon.
Once I am done with my freshly squeezed juice, I was brought to a room to start my eyelash extension services. Michelle Kang, my Korean Lash Therapist assessed my face shape and natural eyelash and recommended me to C-Curl extension for natural looking. As this is my first time trying out the eyelash extension, I trusted her judgement and go ahead with C-Curl with 3 combination of length ( 7, 8 & 9mm length).

Here’s the chart for your better understand 🙂

Photo taken after my eyelash extension with Michelle Kang
Michelle was very gentle, soft spoken and caring during the whole process. She placed the gel patches for me to cover the lower lashes during the eye lash extension procedures. She also ensures that the gel patches do not move before she starts to work on my eyelashes.

First to place the gel patches
The whole process took an hour time and I fall asleep during the process. Michelle was very gentle and I got too comfortable. There is no sign of uncomfortable too. I can’t smell the glue as well. She carefully glued individual eyelash onto my eyes. Once she is done, she uses handheld fan to speed up the drying of glue. And tadah…. I am ready to go!

The result is not extreme but I can see the instant difference when I close my eyes to take the snap. Michelle did a good and neat job!
Michelle did advise that I should start with the length she suggested before going for longer length to ensure that I am comfortable with the extension. If I am good and used to this length, I can try out the longer length for the next session.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Blg4LKyzEKA&w=560&h=315]
My sisters and friends noticed there is a slight difference after I had my eyelash extension and eyebrow embroidery ( will blog about it soon) but they couldn’t figure it out. It is only I told them I did both and they said “ Yeah! No wonder you look different now. You look even better!”. I took me few days to get used to the extensions because I used to have this habit of rubbing my eyes subconsciously. I need to remind myself not to do so because it may result in the dropping of eyelashes. I also need to gently dab on my eyes whenever I wash my face and do my facial. Extra caution is required.
This is my 2nd week and my extensions have dropped a little but it is still going strong. I would love to try the longer length on my next session. The eyelash extension makes my eyes look bigger than usual and the eyelash used is very soft it blends into my natural eyelashes. I was told that the eyelash extensions are imported from Korea. I am happy with the quality of the eyelash as well as the services as well.
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Leekaja Beauty Salon
Address: Mandarin Gallery
333A Orchard Road
Singapore 238897
Tel: +65 8133 0818
Website: http://www.leekaja.sg/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leekaja.sg/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lashnbrow_lkj/
[No monetary compensation was received for this review. All opinions expressed were based on my experience.]
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