I shared about the conversion of Malaysia driving license to Singapore driving license experience previously. Many of you asked me if we can still drive Malaysia car after we convert to Singapore driving license. So the answer is YES but only 90 days per year.
Understand from runner’s source of information, it is based on the days you stay in Malaysia. Yup, this is quite unfair to those who went back Malaysia and did not drive. But this is how it works.
We can only have one(1) valid driving license and once you convert it using BTT, you can only hold on to Singapore driving license. Your Malaysia driving license will be blacklisted(senarai hitam) once your current driving license expired.
You can refer to the form shown on the post for your reference. This is a sample form shared by the runner for your better understanding.
However, if you want to retain your Malaysia driving license, you need to take fresh course ( theory and practical) at Singapore Driving School.
You need to lift up the blacklist in JPJ record. In order for you to do so, you need to obtain a letter from Singapore Traffic Police Department to show as proof to JPJ office. Then, you need to surrender your Singapore Driving License to JPJ because Singapore Driving License is a lifetime ( no need renewal). You need to trade it in for your Malaysia Driving license.
You also need to produce a letter to state that you are no longer Singapore Permanent Resident if you are holding the status in Singapore. If you are Work Permit holder, you need to show them the letter that your pass has been cancelled.
Hope this helps to clarify those who are searching for information. If you have further information to update, please share so I can update the space to share with everyone.
For more details on the conversion, read here.
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I did apply convert my malaysian lisense to singapore lisense,so malaysia JPJ will black list my lisense in malaysia. But at the end i fail to attend the exam in singapore, later due to MCO i back to malaysia.
My problem is now i cant renew my malaysia lisense ,what should i do now? Pls advice tq
Hi Kelvin
You can lift up the blacklist of your license. You need to get a letter from Singapore Traffic Police to show to JPJ. Maybe you can ask the runner for assistance.
Hi Hazel, do u know any runner can assist in obtaining the letter?
Hi Lee
Emailed you ๐
Hello Hazel, can you please pm/email runner contact to me
Hi Carmen
Emailed you ๐
Hi Hazel, can PM me the contact number of the runner?
How much will they normally charge?
Hi Alex
Emailed you. The price is stated on my website post.
Hi,can u email mw the runner contact?
Hi Dennis
Emailed you ๐
Hi Hazel,
can email runner detail
Emailed you ๐
Hi Hazel,
can you help to provide the email and contact of runner๏ผ
Hi Alex
Emailed you ๐
hi, can i please get the runner contact from you? thank you
Hi Derry
Emailed you ๐
hi, my problem is, I never go to exam (SG license) but I need convert back to Msia license, so should I go Traffic Police Department to get the letter, cos the JPJ ask me go to take the letter from Traffic Police Department.
Hi Yuriko
So are you holding Singapore driving license now? If yes then you need to go to Traffic Police Department to get the letter before you go to JPJ for the conversion.
Hi Hazel,
Can you also share me the contact of the runner? I need help with my blacklisted driving license as well.
Hi Liam Hoo
Emailed you ๐
Hai Hazel, please do share the runner contact number, I have been stuck with my license blacklisted for years. I need help to lift the blacklist. Thank You
Hi Raj
Emailed you ๐ You need to get a letter from TP before you can go to JPJ to lift up your blacklist …
Hi please email me the runner contact details. I need to get letter from sg traffic police department. Unable to complete exam due to personal reason
Hi Surya
Emailed you ๐
Hi Hazel,
Hope you can share your runner’s contact to help me thru this problem too. Thank you.
Hi Peter
Emailed you ๐
Hi can share runner contact ? Thanks
Hi Xiong Xuan
Emailed you ๐
hi Hazel,
I have similar situation. But I lose the JPJ original letter before I’m able to convert/submit to LTA SG. Visited JB JPJ – Taman Daya branch and just received call from the JPJ officer that I need to obtain a letter from LTA to submit to them to unban and thereafter re-issue the letter to me again.
My Question is, what kind of letter i need to request from LTA since they only have my BTT results and not even my SG Licence conversion application.
Do you have any runner in SG that can help to obtain this letter? Appreciate your kind advise.
Hi Wilson
The runner I have is from Johor Bahru. For Singapore side, I do not have anyone. Your situation is quite tricky. Perhaps you can ask Traffic Police Department to help you issue a letter to state that they did not process your conversion because they do not have the JPJ letter? You need to call JPJ to ask specifically what kind of letter they need.
Hi,HAZAL,i have same problem can u pls pass me yr runner contact.
Hi Winter
Emailed you ๐
Hi , I am so glad and happy to read so much details from the article. million thanks.
I really need a runner to help me convert back malaysia license.
Here to share my situation ,My Malaysia license black listed as per article described. My Singapore license expired last week.
Do i need to get the letter too ?
Hi OrangeEdward
Emailed you ๐
Hi Hazel,
Can u give me the contact of the runner? Thanks.
Hi Eric
Emailed you ๐
Hi hazel,
Could you email me the runner contact?
My sg license are expired and need to convert into msian license.can I get letter from tp Singapore without entering sg or is there any runner can solve this problem.pls.tq
hi hazel,do i need to make an appoiment 1st for extract letter from TP singapore? coz my m’sian licence also blacklisted, MCO time im doing convert licence,but half way,now im going to renew my lincence they said cannot,need letter from TP singapore.
Hi Amir
You can walk-in to TP office but you can try to call the customer service to check the procedure before going down to avoid double trips.
I olso same how to convert back to Malaysia licence cause I didn’t take any cause in Singapore now I cannot renew my Malaysia licence
Hi, can you share the runner contact number? Thank you your blog very informative.
Hi Keith
Emailed you ๐
hi hazel I need a runner contact number. Thank you.
Hi Hemanathan
Emailed you ๐
Hi can I have a runner contact number please
Hi Ashwin
Emailed you ๐
Hello Hazel,
So informative the info.
Can share the contact of the runner?
Many Thanks.
Hi Melynda
Emailed you ๐
Hi Hazel, do you mind sharing the runner’s contact number?
Thank you
Hi Joanne
Emailed you ๐
Hi would appreciate if you could share the runner’s contact with me as well. thanks! ๐
Hi Sabrina
Emailed you ๐
Would you like to share me the runner contact number?
Hi Wyneth
Emailed you ๐
hi hazel, appreciate if you can share the runner’s contact number with me also, thank you.
Hi Alex
Emailed you ๐
hi Hazel,
I have a singapore driver’s license and i would like to convert to malaysian drivers license.. I understand that i need a letter from traffic police department of singapore.. can i get it online or i have to physically be there in singapore ? thanks in advance
Hi Lim
Sorry I am not sure about this. I think you call to Traffic Police Department to clarify better… I dont think there is an option online for the letter though.
hi lim,
do i physically need to be there or can do this online?
Hi, i SPR and now i no need to drive in SG, so i went to JPJ ask for convert my SG driving license to MY one, i had provide the letter of the SG traffic police dept, but at the end JPJ officer said i need to surrender my SPR also just can convert back.
Is it a new JPJ law / rules??
Hi Kelvin
I checked with the runner.. he said ya need to produce a letter to indicate your status in Singapore.
Hi Hazel,
That means if i still holding the SPR, then that is no way i can get back my Malaysia driving license? ever i surrender my SG driving license?
Hi Hazel, I’m in the same situation. Singapore PR but relocated back to Malaysia and want to drive back here. Do I really have to surrender my SPR just to get a Malaysian driving license? Btw if you don’t mind, can you please pass me your runner’s contact, thanks loads I’m advance.
Hi Alvin
Yes you need to surrender SPR to get back your Malaysia driving license.
Hi Alvin, what type of documents you used to get back your Malaysia driving licence without surrendering your SPR?
Hi Kelvin, wonder if you manage to convert back SG license to MY license without surrendering SPR? Mind to share your experience
Hi Ric, did you manage to convert your driving licence back from Singapore to Malaysia without renoucing your PR? If yes, what are the documents you used for the conversion? Thanks.
just checking how did you get your documents stating your work pass has been cancelled ? is it through MOM , need to go there in person, I had not been working in Singapore for more than 1 & half years.
Hi Ian
On your last day of work, your company will submit the cancellation via MOM portal. They should have a copy or you need to email to MOM to request for it then.
Hope this helps
Hello Hazel ,
thank you for the help!
Hi, i need help on this converting. Please do ping me thanks !
Hi Jamie
Emailed you ๐
Hi, I need help with this conversation. Please do ping me.
Hi Vinod
How can i help you? you can email me
Hi Hazel
Regarding to Malaysian holding Singapore Driving License to drive in Malaysia,
IDP is not required due to 1985 ASEAN agreement on driving licences right?
Based on Road Act 1987 section 21, after the conversion from MY to Spore License, it will become Visitor license which only allow Msian with Spore driving license to drive in Msia within 90 days per year.
This is applies to WP Msian with Singapore License driving Msia private vehicle right?
May I check where to cancel SPR and get the letter to show that? How many days does it take to process?
Hi Kimmy
I replied your email ๐
Hi Hazel
Appreciate your could share how to obtain the letter which my SPR has been expired many years back?
You can check with ICA if they can issue the letter for you
Hi EH, did you manage to covert your driving licence back from Singapore to Malaysia? If yes, what type of letter ICA issued to you to show that you are no longer a PR since your REP had expired? Thanks.
Hi Hazel,
1. If I convert Malaysia license to Singapore license, only 90 days per year for me to drive in Malaysia? Can I extend for this? This is only for WP holder ?
2. Can I drive Singapore vehicles to Malaysia?
Hi Austin
You can drive Singapore vehicles in Malaysia since you are holding Singapore driving license. For the first question, I am not sure. You need to clarify with JPJ then.
Hi Hazel,
Is there any way to get back my Malaysia license without the work pass cancellation? Or should I get my company to cancel my work pass and re-apply again in order to get around this requirement?
Hi Adrian
The procedures are stated as above. You need to show proof that you are no longer working/ staying in Singapore to get back your Malaysia license
Hi, i need to sure dear my singapore driving kicense and SPR due to report lost, can u share the runner contact?
Hi Keith
You mean your singapore driving license and SPR card lost? then you need to report to Singapore authorities. The runner helps to extract JPJ letter from Malaysia side.
I’m going to lose my SPR status as my Re-entry Permit got rejected, Can I know what kind of letter that I need to produce to state to show that I’m no longer a SPR?
Hi Baoshu
So sorry to hear that. You need an official letter from ICA.
Hi baoshu, did you manage to convert your driving licence back from Singapore to Malaysia? If yes, what type of letter ICA issued to you to show that you are no longer a SPR since your REP had expired? Thanks.
Hi Hazel
How long can I use my Singapore driving license to drive in Malaysia as I am a Singapore Pr as my Malaysian driving license has expired .
Hi Michelle
If I am not mistaken only for 90 days yearly basis. You can check with JPJ to clarify
Hi Hazel
Iโm SPR and did apply covert letter from Malaysia to Singapore .Due to some reason as I didnโt attend the exam and letter expire . So can I lift up the black list of my license ?
Hi Alice
I think you can do so but need to check with runner how does it works
Hi Hazel ,
Thanks. Can you share me runner contact ?
Hi Alice
Emailed you ๐
Hi hazel I need runner number.. please send to me tq
Hi Vikneswaran
Emailed you ๐
Hello Hazel.
I am currently working in Singapore with an E Pass, for almost half a year and likely to be in Singapore for more than a year.
I would like to check if:
I do not want to go for conversion, and I go for a proper way (as if I have no foreign license with me myself) to go and take the necessary course e.g., Basic Theory Test, Advanced Theory Test, Practical Driving Test etc. Is it possible for me to do that?
Hi Wai Keat
Sorry I am not sure but one thing for sure. We can only hold 1 valid driving license. You cannot have both at the same time.
hi hazel, can you share the source info mentioning this about one able to hold one valid license only? thx !
Hi Faye
Yes we can only hold 1 valid driving license only
hi if im a WP holder and would like to convert my license to SG license it wouldnt affect me driving my own vehicle in MY right?
Hi Tinz
You can only hold 1 valid driving license.
Hi there. I accidentally took the conversion of driving license letter in JPJ Malaysia before I pass the BTE in Singapore. Now the letter has been expired. Any idea what are the documents I need to bring to JPJ to get new conversion letter?
Hi Sheba
You need to return to JPJ the original letter plus extract letter from SG Traffic police stating that you do not have a valid driving license in Singapore.
Hi Hazel
Can I check with you is the runner can help to get the extract letter from TP. Because I already get the JPJ letter from Malaysia but I didnโt pass the BTT . So when i wanted to get back my Malaysian license I need an Extract letter from TP Singapore . And also my workpermit has been cancelled and I physically in Malaysia now . Is the runner can help to get the Extract letter ?
Hi Tian Min
The runner is in Johor Bahru not in Singapore. So i dont think he can help for Singapore side.
Hi hazel
Can I check with you the runner is in sg or Malaysia ?
And can share the contact ? Coz I need to get the extract letter without entering Singapore if possible . Thx
Hi Henry
He is stationed in JB.. Emailed you ๐
I am a SPR and have converted to SG driving license some time ago. Due to a traffic offense, my driving license has been disqualified . Singapore Law states that if the disqualification period is more than a year, I will not get back my driving license and have to retake exam to get the driving license.
Since I do not own Singapore driving license, and I have the intention to get back Malaysia driving license ( by retake the exam), could I be possibly unbarred from the JPJ black list due to the license conversion earlier?
Thank you.
Hi Hazel,
Could you please share with me the runner’s contact? Also, can i know where is this runner from? As in the state.
Emailed you. He is based in Johor Bahru.
Hi Hazel,
Can you share the runner contact?
Hi Ric
Emailed you ๐
Hi Hazel, thank you for writing this.
Would appreciate if you could share the runner’s contact number with me. Thanks again!
Hi Sabrina
Emailed you ๐
Hi Hazel,
please share me the contact of your runner.
additionally, i am EP holder and do you suggest me to convert or to not convert the license?
Hi Terry
Emailed you ๐
Hi hazel,
Thanks for the useful post, could I get the details for the runner as well? Thank you
Hi Sarah
Emailed you ๐
Hi hazel,
Thanks for the post! Can I get the runners details too?
Hi Sarah
Emailed you ๐
Hello Hazel, not sure if anyone asked this but if I have an active MY driving license and later on converted to a SG citizen, does that means I have to restart the process to get a driving license in SG? Would that be practical exam + theory exam, is there any other exams to take/ process to clear?
Much thanks!
Hi Chen
You can still do the conversion but you will require additional information. You can call TP to clarify provided you got your driving license before you obtain your Singapore PR. In the event if you got it after you obtain Singapore PR, you will need to restart the whole process again.
Hope this clarifies..
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Hi Hazel,
Thanks for the useful post, could I get the details for the runner as well? Thank you
Hi Boon
Emailed you ๐
Hi Hazel
Thanks for sharing the post.
My SPR has been expired many years back, may I know where/how to obtain/produce the letter as i can’t recall I was issue any letter? We write it ourselves?
Are you referring to entry-permit? It is issued once only when you obtained your SPR.
Hi Hazel,
Thanks for the useful post! Can send me the contact number for the runner also?
I want to lift up the blacklist of license from JPJ, I need to get letter from Singapore Traffic Police to show to JPJ. May I know i can just walk in to SG TP? or appointment needed?
Thank you.
Hi Jacky
Emailed you ๐
Hi Hazel, pls share the runner contact info for obtaining the letter. thanks
Hi Kitz
Emailed you ๐
Hi Hazel,
I am stationed at Seremban now and I am SPR. I need to drive in Seremban more than 30 days requirements. Any solution to get back my Malaysia license without cancel my SPR?
Can share me the runner contact? Thanks, a lots.
Hi Poon
The current requirement is as per stated. You need to declare that. This is what the runner shared…
Hi Hazel,
you mentioned ” In order for you to do so, you need to obtain a letter from Singapore Traffic Police Department to show as proof to JPJ office.” ==> may I know what is this letter? and how do you get it from TP ? email or visit them in person?
Hi Faye
you need to go down to TP to check and clarify with them
Hi Hazel,
I am writing to enquire about how to convert back the driving license (SG -> MY)
Thanks a lot.
Hi Rainnie
The information is stated on my post. Hope this helps…
Hi Hazel,
Thank for the useful tips.
However, my situation here is WP cancelled in year 2021, but i still holding SG license which valid till May 2024.
In this case, can i follow your steps to convert back?
Hi Rainnie
Are you still working in Singapore? If not, get the letter from TP to go to JPJ to convert the license.
Hi Hazel,
Thanks for the swift response.
Do i also need to bring the cancellation letter?
Since the SG license still valid, will not be an issue for me to convert the license right? ๐
Hi Hazel,
Can I get the contact from the runner too?
Hi Daniel
Emailed you ๐
Hi Hazel
Just to clarify, my situation right now is I’m currently a spr, I have already blacklisted my Malaysia driving license. However, for some reason, Singapore tp doesn’t approve my conversion.
So in order for me to get my Malaysia driving license back, am I right to say that I have to surrender my spr for that?
Hi Daniel
If you decided to convert back to Malaysia license, you need to surrender your SPR. So, you need to think carefully before you proceed. You can get clarification from both parties for confirmation.
Hi Hazel,
Could you please share the contact number of runner to me?
I’m not working in Singapore now but I m holding SG license. I have to get a letter from Singapore Traffic Department right? What else should I prepare before I heading to JPJ Johor to retrieve my Malaysia license?
Photo? IC?
Thank you
Hi Andriy
Emailed you:)
Hi hazel,
my current situation now is SG PR with SG License but currently unable to renew MY license and roadtax. I can cancel the SG license but still want maintain the SG PR status. Do help and appreciate if you could help or give the contact number of runner.
Hi Ainsley
Even though you cancel your SG license but maintain SG PR status, I don’t think you can convert back to Malaysia license. You need to show proof letter that you no longer holding SG license and not SG PR anymore to JPJ before they lift up for you. The current runner is only helping on the paperwork provided from your side.
Hi Hazel
Can I have the runner contact ? Thanks
Emailed you ๐
Hi Hazel
Can I have the runner contact please?
Hi Kishok
Emailed you ๐
Hi Hazel.
my My licence expired 2016 can ur runner assist to renew?
currently i got Sg licence too
Hi William
Once you convert to Singapore license, your Malaysia license will be blacklisted so cannot renew. Unless u renounce or no longer working in Singapore and want to change back to Malaysia license
Hi, I having a issue now when I try to book undang test in Malaysia and its for my motor license (planning to cross boarder daily to work everyday soon), but they told me that I have been blacklisted in JPJ.
Below is my current status:
-I am WP holder
-I had converted my MY license to SG license.
-my MY license will be expiring in 2025
-my SG license will be expiring in 2025
Do you have any advise on this?
Hi Alan
We can only hold 1 valid driving license. So once you convert your Malaysia license to Singapore license, you are blacklisted already. I will try to check with the runner if he has any idea on this
Hi Alan
Please see below reply from the runner:
No way:
He must cancel work permit & convert back Mโsia license,
After that only can take motorcycle test.
He wonโt cancel cuz he is working now!
After he got his motorcycle license in Malaysia, SGP not recognized cuz he take tests after entering SGP
Proposed Solution: Take motorcycle tests in SGP, the only solution.
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Hi Hazel,
I am currently staying in Selangor.
Can I process my Spore license conversion back to Malaysian at JPJ Padang Jawa or do I have to go back to Johor JPJ to do that?
(I had my license suspension done in Johor when I was living in Spore.)
I just want to make sure I am not waiting for hours at the wrong venue.
Thank you.
I emailed you ๐
Hi Hazel
Can I have the runner contact please?
Hi Uthaya
Emailed you ๐
Hi Hazel,
Many Thanks for the guideline. Would you mind sharing me the runners contact?
Hi Carol
Emailed you ๐
Hi can i have the runner contact detail? thank you
hi hazel, do you mind send me his contact?
Hi Daneal
Emailed you ๐
Hi Hazel,
I just submitted my conversion from SG to MY. But the JPJ officer called me to return them my SG license before approval. But my MY license still pending approval after submission. Is it ok?
Hi KH Ang
I am not sure about this but I dont think it is logical for you to return them the SG license before you get your MY license approved? Maybe you clarify with them if you submit, how long does it take for your MY license to approve since you need the license in your daily activities..
Can you PM me the runner contact?
Hi Wendy
Your email got error and unable to send to u. Can you type again your email?
hi Hazel,
Can I have the runner contact please?
Hi Chen Sang
Emailed you ๐
Hi Hazel
I have a totally different situation. I am Singaporean and have obtained Malaysian PR since 2011. However, to drive in Malaysia, I need a Malaysian licence. In order to get that, I am told by JPJ that I need to surrender my Singapore licence which I don’t want to do.
It seems if I wanted to convert to a Malaysian licence, I need to sit for a practical test.
The process seems somewhat illogical and different JPJ offices give you different “processes/procedures”.
I would like to enquire if there is a proper procedure for the conversion of Singapore driving licence to Malaysia driving licence.
Thank you very much for your assistance.
Hi Patricia
My understanding is that you need to renounce your citizenship or letter to proof that you no longer working in Singapore only can convert back to Malaysia driving license. We can only hold 1 valid driving license.
Hi Hazel.
Can you share me the runner contact?
Emailed you ๐
Hi Hazel.
Can you share me the runner contact?
Hi Penny
Emailed you ๐
Hi, Hazel
My pr is not longer anymore, holding a sg driving licence
Where can i get the letter? Singapore traffic department @ubi?
or other place?
i will visit ica to return the pr status, by the time i will have the letter to proof no valid for the pr.
Do send me the others details,
Many thanks
You need to request from ICA to issue the letter for you or do you have any letter stating your PR Status? This will helps you as a supporting document as a proof.
Hazel, i do have the letter to proof my pr status already cancel,
so next what should i do?
Hi guys,
I just surrendered my SPR and converted my Singapore driving license to Malaysia driving license at Malaysia JPJ. JPJ told me to wait for 30 days for the conversion process. Did you all also need to wait for long 30 days to get Malaysia driving license?
Anyway, for document submission to JPJ, you all may refer to below ( but only for after renounced SPR ):-
– 2 forms can get from JPJ counter where you scan QRCode by using your JPJeQ apps ( can download from iOS ) and just ask the staff to get forms ( few copies will be attached together ) .
– I got a letter from ICA after renounced SPR status
– photocopy of your SPR blue IC ( front and back at the same page.
– record from Traffic Police at Ubi. When go there, tell to extract driving license record, get queue number, when queue number is being called, tell the officer you already renounce SPR and show them the letter from ICA, to convert back Malaysia driving license, you need to pay $10 to extract records.
– original Singapore driving license and 1 photocopy of Singapore driving license ( front and back ). Please do photocopy before go Traffic Police. Because after you extract your record, Traffic Police will poke a hole on your Singapore driving license card after cancel your singapore diving license.
– original Malaysia IC and 1 photocopy of Malaysia IC front and back.
– latest original Malaysia passport and 1 photocopy of Malaysia passport
– filled up all forms and behind all forms has reference and guidelines.
Hi Raymond,
Can i know how long have you been holding on to SG driving license?
Heard from friends that once your m’sia driving license expired for more than 5 years, you will require to take the full course of theory and practical test in order to get back m’sia driving license.
Hi Anthony,
I converted to SG driving license in 2014 until Jul 2023. It is almost 10 years I had SG driving license. JPJ didnโt inform me I need to retake full course of theory and practical test when I filled and submitted all documents to JPJ. JPJ only asked me to wait for their call to get my Malaysia driving license.
Hi Raymond
You went to UTC or JPJ at Tebrau?
Did they ask you to go back exactly 30 days later or within a period of time?
Thank you
Hi Andriy.
I done it at Seberang Jaya, Penang.
For the latest update, no phone call or email from JPJ after 30 days, I cannot wait and went JPJ to ask. At the beginning the counter officer still told me to wait longer time and is not ready yet without check my application status. I had no choice and told many reason need to have the driving license and also more than 30 days as promised.
Finally, the officer just bring my IC and void SG driving license to check.
After few minutes, the officer told me my driving license is ready and make payment for renew 10 years.
After few minutes, I had my driving license.
Very funny thing is, 1 minute later, I received email from JPJ to inform me my driving license is ready for collection.
Yes, no need to test again.
Thank you.
Hello Hazel,
Thanks for the sharing.
Would you share the contact of the runner?
Hi Anthony
Replied you via email
hi, can give runner contact?thx
Hi Lee
Emailed you ๐
Hi hazel! Can give me the runner contact? Tq
Hi Ymh
Emailed you ๐
Hi Hazel,
Thanks for your informative blog.
I am a SPR for almost 10 years and only considering to convert my MY driving license to SG driving license now.
1) Is it still possible to apply for conversion now as I heard from some friends that SPR must apply for conversion within 3 months from getting the SPR.
2) If I have obtained a JPJ letter and submit for the conversion with TP Singapore and for any reason, be rejected, can I request for the rejection letter from TP Singapore and bring it to JPJ to uplift my blacklisted MY license then? Or must I renounce my SPR in order to get my MY license back?
Many thanks!
Hi Jing
You can call Traffic Police customer service to clarify. Some managed to convert even though after 3 months just like my case. You need to renounce your SPR in order to get back your MY license. This is what i understand so far..
Hi Hazel,
I’m inquiring about my current situation. I used to have a driving license while holding a work permit in Singapore. However, due to the pandemic, I returned to Malaysia, and my Singapore driving license has expired. I am now planning to convert it back to a Malaysian driving license. Do I need to renew my Singaporean license in order to convert it to a Malaysian one?
Also, I would appreciate it if you could provide me with the contact number for a runner.
Hi Imelda
Are you still working in Singapore? If you want to convert back to Malaysia license, you need to get letter from TP to go JPJ to convert back. The runner is in Malaysia. He can’t help you for Singapore side. Let me know if you still need the runner contact.
Hi Hazel, may I have the runner contact? I went to 3 JPJ branches to stamp and sign on my JPJ extract and all the officers told me they no longer do so.
Hi Hazel,
I’m not sure if you have encountered such problem before. Anyways, I had a Singapore driver’s license converted from Malaysia one around 10 years ago. However, my driver’s license from Singapore was suspended for 2 years due to drink and drive offence 1 year ago (suspension still has 8 more months to go). Currently, I’m going back Malaysia to work for good and I’m planning to get back my Malaysia license but it’s blacklisted due to my conversion 10 years ago. Am I able to lift the blacklist? Or what should I do now? Should I wait for 8 months and then get the letter from Singapore?
Hi Marcus
You need to declare that you no longer working in Singapore or not PR anymore before getting TP to issue a letter before you can get JPJ to lift up the blacklist for you.
Hi Hazel,
Can you share with me the JPJ (Johor) Runner contact number?
My S’pore license already expired and con not be renew in S’pore TP system.
Thank you
Hi Munif
May I know how come expired? The JPJ runner only helps to settle JB issues.
Hi Hazel
Can you share with me the JPJ (Johor) Runner contact number?
Thank you!
Hi Carol
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Hi Hazel,
I’m SPR and planning to leave SG for good. I’m planning to convert my license back to MY license. Can I have the Johor runner’s contact to settle my problem? I got the letter from TP and prepared all the documents required by JPJ. Thank you.
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Hi Hazel, can you share your runner contact to me? thanks
Hi Chris
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Hi Hazel, can I have the contact number of your runner? Thanks.
Hi Hazel,
I’m a WP holder and converted MY driving license to SG last year. Recently, I’ve moved to JB and decide to take B FULL license to get my 600cc dream moto, but I heard that it’s not possible as MY license is blacklisted already, so is convert back to MY license then take moto license and proceed to convert back again to SG or just take moto license in SG will be easier? btw I heard that the process of taking moto license in SG from 2B to 2 is quite hassle and time consuming. Any suggestion?
Hi Zacky
You situation is very tricky.. If you want to convert back your MY license, you will have to declare that you are no longer working in Singapore first. Before you can proceed to take your motor license in Malaysia. Otherwise, you just have to take from Singapore side and convert back to MY in future when you decided not to work in Singapore anymore.
Hi Hazel,
Can you share with me the runner’s contact?
Hi Mike
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Thanks for the advice Hazel. For now, I’m waiting my WP to expire this October, then will convert back to Malaysia and get moto license. My question is that, I heard some people saying if your Malaysia driving license expired, you need to retake whole course again if you want to convert it back, which mine will be expire on May. Can you verify this?
Hi Zacky
Understand from the runner, if expired more than 3 yrs, then you need to retake.
If Mโsia license convert to sg license, even though bloccked for 10 yrs by JPJ, u can take back anytime as long as you cancel the WP & sg license.
Hope this clarifies…