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Tag Archive : Ipoh Tuck Kee

[SG EATS] Malaysian Food Places in Singapore to Satisfy Your Taste of Home Cravings

[SG EATS] Malaysian Food Places in Singapore to Satisfy Your Taste of Home Cravings

Malaysia is used to be a popular weekend getaway of choice for almost everyone who reside in Singapore. Due to COVID-19 , we are unable to travel and Malaysians are unable to go home to visit their families. Many of us misses the favorable exchange rate and the delicious Malaysian food from all over Malaysia. I do miss the taste of home and explored Malaysian food places in Singapore. Here are the places to go to satisfy your hometown cravings: Read More

[SG EATS] Ipoh Tuck Kee Son 怡保德记仔炒粉- Famous Ipoh Yu Kong Hor (Moonlight Horfun)

[SG EATS] Ipoh Tuck Kee Son 怡保德记仔炒粉- Famous Ipoh Yu Kong Hor (Moonlight Horfun)

*Update March 2022*

Finally made my way to Ipoh Tuck Kee Son 怡保德记仔炒粉 at Foch Road. I miss the legendary famous fried noodles yut kong hor in Ipoh that I had during my visit to Ipoh in 2019. Ever since their opening late last year, the queue is madness. I heard some queued for 2 hours for it. Thank god! We only queued for 10minutes and wait for 20 minutes for our food. It was a raining day after work on a weekday. Read More

[IPOH EATS] 14 Must-Try Street Food in Ipoh | Malaysia

[IPOH EATS] 14 Must-Try Street Food in Ipoh | Malaysia

Ipoh, located just about an hour’s drive from Penang, is a hidden street food gem in Malaysia. It earned its place on Lonely Planet’s list of the top Asian destinations to visit a few years ago. If you’re looking for a delectable ‘makan trip’ or a food trail, I highly recommend exploring Ipoh over a weekend getaway. The hotels here is also reasonable priced and you can get a decent hotel below S$100 per night. Read More

[IPOH EATS] Tuck Kee Restaurant ( 德记炒粉店 ) – Legendary Famous Fried Noodles Yut Kong Hor in Ipoh | Malaysia

[IPOH EATS] Tuck Kee Restaurant ( 德记炒粉店 ) – Legendary Famous Fried Noodles Yut Kong Hor in Ipoh | Malaysia

Back for more Ipoh food posts and we visited Tuck Kee Restaurant, an old eatery shop that founded since 1963. Ipoh Tuck Kee has been in business for more than 50 years and the shop itself has the laid back rustic feel. It is well-known among the locals and tourists too. Read More