Tag Archive : Financial Talk

9 No-Nonsense Financial Tips for Parents Sending Their Children to an International School

It often takes a significant amount of financial resources to send a child to an international school. Compared to local public schools and even some private schools, international academic institutions typically have higher tuition fees. This is the case in many countries including the US, China, and Switzerland. There’s also the matter of managing additional expenses such as application fees, uniforms, textbooks, extracurricular activities, transportation, and school trips. Considering all these, though, international schools are well worth the investment. Such an academic setting provides students with personalized attention, world-class facilities, a well-rounded education, exposure to different languages and cultures, and avenues to expand their social and academic horizons, among other benefits. Read More

Is Futures on Cryptocurrency Halal or Haram?

Crypto platforms on the Internet offer many different financial tools for investors to make money from crypto assets. These are simple basic instruments such as crypto conversion on spot markets and advanced tools such as trading with borrowed funds, margin, and futures trading crypto. In this article, we would like to discuss the principle of this trading tool and analyze if this financial instrument can be used in different countries. Read More

TIPS: How to Save Money and Get a Good Phone Plan

TIPS: How to Save Money and Get a Good Phone Plan

Get a basic phone plan when you look to get a sim only plan in Singapore. This is one of the cheaper and easier plans that you can get. If you are not looking to get unlimited and a bunch of extra services with the phone then just look to get something like a sim only plan in Singapore which is fast and easy. The best part is that this is also affordable and there are many options for whenever you decide that you want to find and get your own sim only plan in Singapore, it will not be hard to find. Read More

5 Common Mistakes People Make When Planning for Retirement in Singapore

5 Common Mistakes People Make When Planning for Retirement in Singapore

Your retirement years are the time to enjoy the fruits of your labour. After working tirelessly for 35 to 40 years, you can finally wake up late, enjoy relaxing meals, see the world, and spend quality time with family and friends. However, it is essential to note that this scenario is only possible if you prepared well for your golden years. Otherwise, you may end up working beyond retirement age and asking your adult children for money. Read More